Revival | Revival Apologetics | Ps Jay Jay Meyer

June 23, 2024 00:44:52
Revival | Revival Apologetics | Ps Jay Jay Meyer
Neuma Melbourne East
Revival | Revival Apologetics | Ps Jay Jay Meyer

Jun 23 2024 | 00:44:52


Show Notes

Revival | Revival Apologetics | Ps Jay Jay Meyer | Neuma Melbourne East Church

Originally recorded on Sunday 23rd of June, 2024 | 9AM

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Episode Transcript

I'd love my iPad please, that would be fantastic. Otherwise, I can do absolutely nothing. Hey, we were just at the Bethel Conference in Sydney and oh my gosh. I want you to know today that Australia is in for something fresh. Kris Vallotton gave a word and which I've actually got to go and dissect, but he actually gave a word along the lines that it's half time. No more darkness, only light. It's half time. The negatives have passed. He wasn't only speaking over Numa. I took it for Numa. I took that for Numa Ees. But he was speaking over the church in Australia. There were over 900 people that were hungry, that were thirsty, that pushed in, that persevered. I mean, as you can hear in my lungs, you can hear my lungs, but you can hear my voice. I tell you, there was a roar that came out of the worship. A roar like last night was just off the church. It was a very good church when it came to worship. Young people, old people, everybody in between pushing in. Generation on generation. I want to say and declare today, to Numa is generations. If you are a senior in this house, God's not finished with you yet. God's not finished with you. He's only starting. He's only starting. He's starting with you because you know what? We need mothers and fathers. I'm speaking to a pastor from Sydney, and he's like, you know, we've got so many young adults, but we haven't got many mothers and fathers. And I'm like, thank you, Jesus. We have so many mothers and fathers, spiritual moms and dads in our house. And I am so grateful. So I honor you. I honor you as a spiritual mom and a spiritual dad. We need you. The church needs you. Not JJ and Paulina. We are. We need you too. But the church needs you. The church needs you. So let your voice be heard when it comes to the younger generation. The younger generation, I say to you, open your ears and listen to the spiritual moms and dads. No more aptitudes. Yeah. No more whatever. And all the moms and dads say, JJ, you're my hero. Thanks very much. Throw the dollars later. That's good. Anyway, we are busy talking about revival. This is a month of revival. Revival teachings. The word and the movement of God called revival. We all know from our first teachings that revival is the heart of God. Amen? Oh, thanks, Paulina. You're all pretty on fire. We've also been encouraged to not analyze the move of God. Bull Johnson, not analyze the move of God, but be willing to be wrecked by a move of God. It's time that the church gets wrecked by a move of God. You know, we may be conservative and evil. And I really believe that today a lot of that religion is going to be challenged. And we're going to be not only be challenged, but we're going to be given word and scripture when it comes to revival and manifestations of the things that happen. But before I go ahead, two weeks ago, we had revival conference. If you have not yet registered, register please ASAP. There's only 200 tickets left that we know of. There's no more volunteer tickets, volunteer positions are full. But you know what, Paulina and I are going, our leaders are going, our pastors are going. We want you to go. Why to full the seats? No, no, no, no, so that you can encounter him like we encountered him just last night. Again, and again, and again. Because we can bring that back here to east, to the east of Melbourne, and we can ignite this place of blaze for Jesus. Amen? All right. So, take note, you're going to need to be here earlier. Oh, I want to recommend to some of you, if you want to come to the 11 o'clock and make space for the visitors, we do have our BSSA mission team. So the team that were there in Sydney last night will be here at Numa East. What a privilege. They'll be here at Numa East and they will be ministering next week at the nine and the 11 o'clock service. You want to be here. But they're going to be praying for the sick. They're going to be prophesying. They're going to be ministering as Holy Spirit. Lead them. I tell you, it's going to be a place you want to be in. So Holy Spirit, we need you today. Come, help in Jesus' name. Amen. We're fine. Thanks, Joe. Yeah. Can we give him a hand? I'm like, you sound, make him sound pretty. We find many times in revival there's manifestations or there's responses and reactions to the body and people, things that we question, we question it. And I reckon the reason why we question it is because we haven't been taught about it or we haven't been, we've only been exposed to it and we don't understand the biblical foundation around it. And this causes people to bring up the walls, to actually withdraw themselves from the move of God that is happening. And today, I want to spend this next couple of minutes bringing about biblical justification and even historical evidence. So we're going to be looking at the years before us, at the revivals before us and hopefully out of that, you are going to get a settlement in your heart that what we are seeing now is not something that is new for now. It's been happening for in the Bible times. Yes? Anybody up for this? Good. So let's start off with manifestation. What is manifestation? Manifestation comes from the Latin roots of manis and festus. Manis being hand, festus being festival or dancing. Festival or dancing. So manifestation can be described as the dancing hand of God. Isn't that amazing? That is beautiful. That is why in a room of this size, we see different manifestations. We see God touching people in different ways at different times where they are at and with what they need. God chooses what he wants to do. Manifestations, when God is busy moving or manifestations or responses or reactions, can be random and can come across pretty unorganized and even messy. I use the word messy because the picture portrayed of the church is that the church should be very stoic, the church should be very quiet, the church should be very orderly and the church should be very structured. Yeah? And boring. But I want to present to you today though, where the presence and the power of God is, there will be different kinds of reactions and responses to his power and glory. It is going to be messy. It is not going to be structured and at times it's going to be a little chaotic. Here's a question. Graveyard. Well, it's not a question. It's a statement. Graveyard are very orderly and clean, correct. But graveyards are also filled with death. Nurseries on the other hand are filled with babies, sons and daughters on their way to maturity. Nurseries are also constantly filled with messy chaos. There's crying, there's uin and kooine and even pooine. There's giggling and screaming. There's tantrums and pukin. It's not in noses. But you know, although the nurseries are messy and chaotic, they are filled with life. The question is, is the church meant to be a graveyard or a nursery? So the church, which should actually be a nursery in my understanding, should not necessarily be orderly and structured and quiet because there is some growing and encountering that is basically taking place. It's 14, 4 says, where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of the ox. In other words, when there's a stable or there's a manger and there's no oxen, there's no straw, there's no urine, there's no manure, there's none of that. But it says, the scripture says to us, if we want revenue, in other words, if we want an income, we need oxen. We need oxen, but oxen messes up the stable. You see, without oxen who makes a mess, there's no increase according to the scripture, there's no revenue. So I want to say this, you want to become more Christ-like, you need God's presence. Yes? God's presence is powerful, correct? God's presence is supernatural. Supernatural presence messes up the stable. The power messes up the stoic and the quiet and the orderly and the somber. You see, taking risks and going beyond the edge of comfort attracts breakthrough. Taking risks and going beyond the edge of comfort increases his presence, but we need to be ready for mess. We need to even be ready for rejection. Oh, we don't like rejection. That's why we don't press in. We don't want to be looked like the kooky clan. You know, what will people say? No, no, no, what does God say? What does God say? We are in a world that often seeks the meaning of everything. We want to know details. We want to understand. Am I correct? We want to understand as great as what that seems, I would like to suggest that it is the downfall for many believers. Let me clarify. You see, in the natural, so in as in the spiritual, right? So in the natural, we want to know, we want to understand subconsciously why we want to know and understand so that we can control the outcome. So in the spiritual, we want to do the same. In the spiritual, we want to know God, which is good because that comes relationship, but we want to understand God. We want to understand why doesn't he heal and why does he heal? We want to understand why does he move and why doesn't he move? We want to understand God, but trying to understand God is controlling God because when we try and understand God, we put God in a box and we end up utilizing him as a puppet on our strings, on our terms and on our time in. But who knows he is God? Father of you. He is God. People up the top, you know, he's God. Yeah, great. Good. And I want to say this to you. The truth is, according to the Scriptures, Psalm 115 verse 3, our God is in heaven. Here it comes. And he does whatever he pleases. My drop. I can go home now. He does whatever he pleases. So here's my very first challenge for the day. Is the Word of God your ceiling or is the Word of God your foundation? Is it your ceiling or is it your foundation? A foundation is something that I build on, right? Yeah? Yeah. Therefore, if the Bible is my foundation, that is something that I build on. It could look something like this. I look for principles in the Bible and I look for truth in the Bible and I say, okay, if God has done this in the past and now in my day, I see something happen. It's not exactly like it was in the Bible, but there are similarities that I feel like I'm standing on a foundation and I compress in a little deeper. Remember God is in heaven. Yes. And he does whatever he pleases. But if it's a ceiling, you see, if the Word of God is a ceiling, then it becomes a lid. Correct? It becomes a camp. And it actually stunts spiritual growth. It actually leads to legalism and rigidity. It actually minimizes the dynamic role of the Holy Spirit in your life who brings life and power and authority to you. It robs you of personal revelation of who God is. He's greater than what we even read about. Come on. We've got to understand this. We actually hinder our ability to apply biblical principles contextually in a changing world. You see, having a Bible as a ceiling or a Word of God could look something like this. I have to have a Bible verse to prove every single thing before I accept it. If it's not in the Word, it's not God. That... Here's the challenge. Here's the challenge. Now then, do we recognize God doing a new thing? He's doing a new thing, correct? Did you know that the Book of Acts has 28 chapters? Anybody? Okay, good. Did you know that 27 of the 28 have something supernatural happening in them? People argue, "Oh, God doesn't do that anymore. God doesn't do this and God doesn't do that." But I want to say, you know what? Jesus came and Jesus healed and he freed and he saved and he fed the 5,000 and he turned water into wine and he walked on the water. And the disciples come along and they did some of those things. But here's a question. We're in Scripture that Jesus' shadow healed someone. Didn't. We're in Scripture that Jesus take out a handkerchief and say, "Take this, Joe, and go and pray for it. Lay that on the sick." And they'll, "Jesus didn't do that." But Peter and Paul, it happened with Peter and Paul, the disciples. You see, when the Word of God is the sealing at limits, God is bigger. God is more majestic. He's a loving God and he wants for us to go, "Whoa, he is amazing." We said that last night. We said that at every session. Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday night, we were, "Whoa, can it become any more glorified in a place where there's 900 hungry people together, facing in for the presence of God?" "Whoa," said your neighbor, "Whoa, come on." All right. So, see, belt on. Next 15 minutes, 13 minutes and 57 seconds. I want to bring some biblical justification, Scripture, and historical evidence of some of the things that we see and encounter when we are seen and in revival. You happy? You good? Everybody okay? All right, cool. Number one, the first thing, being drunk in the spirit. Whoa. Now that, yes, Joseph. Well, let's look at the, at Pentecost, Acts 2 verses 14 to 15. Now, I've just put the Scriptures down like that because time-wise, what I'm giving to you here, I've taught over six weeks, 15 minutes, 13 minutes and 15 seconds. All right. So, here we go. Acts 2, 14 to 15, Peter stepped forward with the 11. We know the story. They've been in the upper room, fire, tongues of fire on them. They're speaking in tongues. Something's happening. People are saying, "Oh, they, you know, they, these guys that come out of the upper room and Peter, and, and Peter says here in verse 15, "These people are not drunk as some of you are assuming, 9 o'clock in the morning, it's just much too early for that." Here's a question. "When you're in the airport and you encounter a group of people like we did this morning, and they're all speaking in different tongues, different languages, different languages, do you assume that they're drunk?" No. You can go into our FOIA because we're multicultural and you can hear different languages in our world. Well, I hope not. I hope not. So something else must have been happening in that moment for the observers in acts to draw to the conclusion that the people were drunk. Remember that Jerusalem is filled with many people from all over the world at that time of, of, of, of, of the celebrations. They're speaking in different languages, but that wasn't enough. There must have been something else physically or visible happening on the day of Pentecost for people, maybe with their bodies. It's not written, but remember the word is mouthful, my foundation, with their bodies that led to people concluding that they had been drinking. You see, here's a question for you. This leads me into the next one. If you had no limitations, if all the power was yours, you could do anything. What would be the very first miracle that you would do? Raise the dead. Yeah? Go fishing. Find a couple of gold coins in the mouths of the fishers. Yes? Cast out demons. What was the first miracle that Jesus does? It turns water into wine. All right. Let me blow your mind a little bit. In John 2 verses 1 to 11, you can go and read it out. But verse 11, it says, "This miraculous sign that Kaina in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him. The very first time in which Jesus reveals his glory is he turns water into wine and he gives wine to people who are already drunk." Think about it. They've been at the wedding for some time. They run out of wine. I reckon that reached the alcohol limit. I reckon that reached the alcohol tolerance. If they climb on the camels and they were going down the road and they were breathless, the camels would have to sit. They were over their tolerance. But Jesus makes more. This being the very first sign to display his glory. So what we don't see in this is that the disciples believed in him. After that, the disciples believed in him. Who knows? This blows your mind because God works outside of the box. He meets us where we're at. He smashes our preconceived ideas of where we are. You see, I believe John picked this miracle on purpose. John is trying to tell us something about Christianity. Now we can go into the pots and all the cleansing rituals and all that kind of stuff. We haven't got time for that yet. But John is trying to tell us God is doing something new on earth, the wine symbolized in the new thing. But then in Ephesians 5, 18, you skip the scriptures and says, "Don't be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life." Who knows that that's very true? Yep. Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit. Why would Paul say, "Be drunk. Don't be drunk with wine." Instead be filled with the Holy Spirit. Maybe they're all comparisons or contrasts that we need to be aware of because why is being drunk and being filled with the Spirit in the same sentence? In the same verse. Paul. I'm challenging our thinking here. We've got to think outside of the box. He is majestic. He is God and he does what he pleases. Jeremiah 23, 29. "I am like a drunken man, like a strong man overcome by wine because of the Lord and His holy words." Oh. That is crazy. Jeremiah has an experience that the whole of Israel doesn't and he's explaining here what I go through when you go through when you drunk. I go through without the alcohol, alcohol, when God and His holy words upon me and come into my hearing. This is Jeremiah. When people drink alcohol, they display it in different ways. There's life in and there's crying and there's staggering and there's slurring and there's no matter. Jeremiah explains, "My body goes through something similar when God shows up." Now, here's some historical facts. Revival, revival history. The Cambridge Revival in 1801, it says, "Participants often fell to the ground, shouted and exhibited uncontrollable physical responses which some described as being drunk in the Spirit as they encountered God." Be a suzer street revival, 1906 to 1915. One of the hallmark experiences during this revival was the phenomenon of being drunk in the Spirit. Attendees often appeared as they were physically intoxicated, staggering, life in uncontrollable. There's something else we've got to be looking at and sometimes falling to the ground. The Toronto Blessing in 1994. The Toronto Blessing was the frequent occurrence of people being drunk in the Spirit. Worshipers often exhibited behaviors such as slurred speech, staggering. There's a word again and spontaneous laughter. There's that word again. Leaders of the movement such as John and Carl Carroll on net emphasized that these experiences were a result of deep spiritual renewal and healing. All right, let's move on. Laughter, next point. I've got four. This is the second one. Old Testament. God's joy is our strength. The joy of the Lord is our strength. The Hamaiah in verse 10 says, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks and sin. Some of those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength. The joy of the Lord is constant gladness and cause to rejoice." What is the physical out working of gladness and rejoicing? Laughter, smiling, being happy, being joyous, jumping around, bouncing around. Oh, that kid's got so much energy. He's, oh, yes, that's the joy. It is God who gives joy, Job 821. He will yet fool your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. When we get up here and say, "Come on, let's shout with joy." It's not because we just want you to be noisy. It's biblical. A cheerful heart is good medicine. Proverbs 1721. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a cross spirit dries up the bones. Laughter and joy are good for us. I have in my experience rolled around on the floor for over an hour. My sighs were hurting. I couldn't laugh anymore. But when I got up there, my gosh, something stayed on that floor when I got up. I was released and I was refreshed. New Testament accounts. Acts 1349-52. I'm only going to read verse 15. So what's happened here is that they're coming out. Paul and Barnabas, they've been persecution. I'll read this. They stood up persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled him from their region. So they shook the dust, shook the dust, shook the dust off their feet as a warning to them and went to Iconium. Verse 52 and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. God satisfies our heart with joy. Acts 14 verses 11-18. What's happening here is miracles are happening. These people think that Paul and the apostles, Barnabas and Paul are gods. They want to worship them. Paul gets all freaked out. He says, "Friends," in verse 15, "why are you doing this? We too are only human like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God who made the heavens and the earth and the seas and everything in them. In the past he let all nations go their own way. Yet he has not left himself without testimony. He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in the season. He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." We need some joy in this place. I reckon we need some joy in this place. You see, God's nature encompasses joy. Why? Because he's perfect. He's complete in himself. He gives it to his children freely. Joy is who he is. Jesus says, "The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy." That's right. Joy in the Holy Spirit. You see, the phrase is this phrase. "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval." We want human approval? Get some joy. Get some joy. Historical accounts. All right, Abi Simpson. I need to say Abi Patterson. That's the school. Abi Simpson from his journal in 1897 wrote that one of the effects of being filled with the Spirit is fullness of joy so that the heart is constantly radiant. This does not depend on circumstances but fills the Spirit with holy laughter in the midst of the most trying surroundings. Unquote. Unquote. 1907, Oswald Chambers. He writes this last night. This comes out of his journal. We had a blessed time. I was called down by the teachers to pray and anoint a lady who wanted healing. And as we were doing the God came, so near that upon my word we were laughing as well as praying. This is from the book called the Chantung, Revive in China, 1933, a bunch of Baptist missionaries and they get really, really whacked by God where they are. They come back. They write this book. This is in the USA. The people in the USA remove this from this book. But this is what was written. All of a sudden, Luke 11, 11 to 13 came to me and I realized that I was God's own child. I realized I was God's own child. Go and read. And I was right in his presence. And I definitely and unreservedly surrendered my whole being right into his hands. I was fully conscious of everything. And it seemed that he literally took me into his arms. I was absolutely unafraid and conscious that it was God's Holy Spirit. He took right hold of me and shook me physically. There's the trembling. He shook me physically as I would shake a rag. Then he opened my mouth so wide that my jawbone seemed like they would break and the room was filled with wind and it literally rushed into me until I felt that I would burst. This happened four or five times. Then a great burst of joyous laughter that was different from any laughter that I had ever experienced came right from deep inside of me. I pray that this place will be shaken with the joy of the Lord. Seriously, shaken to the foundations with the joy of the Lord. The third point. Be slain in the Spirit, falling over. Be slain in the Spirit. Old Testament, two chronicles, five verses 13 to 40. Remember, this is the falling. We see this quite often. When the trumpeters and singers were joined in unison, making one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord. When they lifted up their voice with the trumpeters and symbols and other instruments for song and praise the Lord, saying for he is good, for his mercy and loving kindness endure forever, then the house of the Lord was filled with the cloud. May that happen here. Then the house of the Lord was filled with the cloud so that the priest could not stand to minister because of the cloud. Ezekiel. I'm going to skip Ezekiel. You can read Daniel. Daniel 8 verses 17 to 18. As he came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostate. The English standard version says, "Fell all my faith. Son of man, he said to me, 'Understand that the vision concerns the time of the end. While he was speaking to me, I was in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. Then he touched me and raised me to my feet. He sees a vision and his strength leaves his body. His turn pale. Daniel experiences the power of God and he falls face down." Now, it doesn't say there he went over backwards and there were catches and the catches helped him to the ground. No, no, it doesn't say that at all. He might not even had skin on his nose after that. He might have had a carpet burn. I don't know. It's not written, but the word is my foundation. It's not my ceiling. New Testament. Matthew 17, 1 to 8. And Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good that we are here. If you wish I will make three tents, where are they? They're up the mountain. One for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah." He was still speaking. He was still speaking. Peter. "When behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice of the Lord said, 'This is my beloved son with who I am well pleased. Listen to him. When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified. Hey, bunch of voices, stop falling backwards. Start falling forwards." No, I'm going to get it. I'm going to say that. Wipe that off the tape. Wipe that off the tape. John 18 verses 1 to 6. I love this. They're in the garden of Gethsemane. This is amazing. I didn't realize this. So I did a bit of a study. And Judas comes to the garden. He's guiding the soldiers to come and arrest Jesus. But in the NIV, it says, "Inversity." So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and Pharisees. That word detachment in the Greek and the Aramaic implies 5 to 600. Hold on, you didn't hear that. 500 to 600. Sorry. 500 to 600. Sorry. 500 to 600. Detachment. Soldiers. Doesn't say that there were so many. It says detachment. Bible is my foundation. Jesus of Nazareth, he said, "Jesus known all that was going to happen." Went out and asked him, "Who is it that you want?" "Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "I am He," Jesus said. And Judas, the traitor, was standing there with him. When Jesus said, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground. Jesus actually declared his name, Yahweh. When he said that, it says that they fell to the ground. They drew back and they fell to the ground. We're talking about a detachment here. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. We serve and majestic God. He is God and He does what He pleases. He wants to pour His spirit out on you and on me. Historical facts. The first great awakening in the 1700s. Jonathan Edwards in 1746 says, "A prominent preacher in theologians, used the word of flainting for being slain in the spirit." First great awakening. Second great awakening in 1800s. Many in 1801, many attendees, experienced powerful spiritual encounters, often described as being slain in the spirit where they fell to the ground in a state of spiritual ecstasy contributed to its widespread impact. The Asusus Street in 1906 to 1915. William J. Seymour in Los Angeles. This is the cornerstone people of our Pentecostal movement. We've got to know this. Attendees frequently fell to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit and experience often referred to as being slain in the spirit. The revival had a profound and lasting influence on the global Pentecostal movement, emphasizing the experiential and supernatural aspects of Christianity. The experiential. Let me say that again. That's experiential and supernatural aspects of Christianity. You see when God touches you cannot be the same. If I take my two fingers and put them in a power plug, do you think I'm going to be the same? I'm most probably going to be against that wall. That is just power made, man made. But when God comes and touches us, there's got to be a reaction. I'm all for you falling down. I'm all before you shake it. I'm all, listen to what I'm saying to you, Church. I'm all for you falling down. I'm all for you shaking. I'm all for you crying. I'm all for you wailing because it's in. The Bible is my foundation. But when you get off that floor, you are different. The fruit's got to be different because if the fruits are different, then I question you being on the floor. I love everything supernatural. You know that. We all know that. But brothers and sisters, when you get off that floor, the fruit better be different. The fruit better be different. Shaking and trembling. I'm going to finish with this. Thanks, Joe. Jeremiah 23 9, Old Testament. "Concerning the prophets, my heart is broken with me. All my bones shake." Who knows when your bones shake? I had an experience or an encounter with God. I think I shared this at Bethel when I was at Open Heavens about 18 months ago. I'm standing down the front worshiping. I mean, I've got you. You've got to be down the front because that's where the anointing is. All of you sitting up at the back there down here is where the anointing is just saying, "Don't fight for the seat six weeks." But I'm standing hands up and the next minute somebody just touches me like this. And I'm like a Jack Hammer. Undignified. Very undignified. Jack Hammer. That lasted for about two minutes. Guess who was it? Kris Vallotton. I didn't know. The team around me told me, "He just walked past touching everybody in the crown of the heads." And there was this row of Jack Hammers happening. That's what happens when the power of God touches you. There is trembling. Daniel 10 10, "A hand touched me and sent me trembling on my hands and knees." Habakkuk, 3-6, "I hear and my body trembles my lips quiver." New Testament. What happened to the gods at the tomb when the angel appeared? They trembled and they fell down. You can go and read this. Yeah? They shook and became like dead men, it says. You know that a dead man does not remain standing? Well, I haven't seen one. Maybe if they're frozen, maybe. Not joking about it, but I haven't seen one. I haven't seen one. Acts 4, 28 to 31. After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. The place where they were meeting was shaken. Lord Jesus, let your powerful list plays. Let your powerful gatherings. Let your powerful life groups so that where we gather that the place shakes. Don't ruin the foundations, Lord. Just put him in a little bit of a box there. But just shake the ball then. Shake the people. So here's finishing up historical accounts. John Wesley's meeting throughout the late 1700s, he writes this. Many factors of Wesley's ministry and message that caused both excitement and anxiety. Yeah, some of you are like in, what is JJ on? Yeah, jet lag, jet lag from Sydney. No small aspect of the controversy included the seemingly routine scene of people weeping, violently shaking, crying out, losing consciousness, falling down and occasionally becoming uncontrollably agitated during his meetings. Hello people, that was in 1771. We're in 2024. We're in 2024. We need, in my opinion, we need more and more and more and more of the power and the presence of God, the power and the presence of God. This is just a tip. You can go and do your own studies. You can go and do your studies about the different revivals and you can go and read this up. But our God is a God of revival. God is a God and he does whatever he wants to. And when the glory of God shows up, people seem to react and see people seem to respond differently. People seem to do different and weird and chaotic things to the norm. But you know what, we're okay with that because we are one core value that is for the rest of this year as his presence is our priority. Without his presence, we're just another gathering. Without his presence, we might as well just go to a soccer stadium or to a footy stadium and just sit with those crowd. I'm not here in Melbourne. I haven't left the sunny Gold Coast to be here in the freezing Melbourne just to have another gathering. I've had it in the Gold Coast on the beach and my son says, "Yes, Papa. Let's move. No son. Listen to Jesus. Hear my heart. Hear my heart." And I want all of you to say, I say all of this, but I want you to know as the father of the house, as the leaders pulling in our, we are here. It's a safe place. We are here to protect you. So if you don't understand this, if you don't know, if you can make me sound prettier, thanks. If you don't understand me, if you don't understand it all, come and chat to us. But please, let's not have the Bible as our ceiling. Let's have the Bible as our foundation because God is busy doing a new thing. Amen? Let's get excited, Church. Let's get excited. It doesn't matter if it's Catholic. It doesn't matter if it's uniting. You know what? God is moving. But Kris Vallotton said, and I agree with it, that the denominational walls are coming down. Praise God. God's going to touch. God's going to shape them. The apostolic. God's going to shape them. The Pentecost is going to shape. The Catholics. God's going to shape his church because he's waiting for a perfect bride. Let's become, so I'm becoming perfect. Let's stop criticizing. Let's stop going, oh, I'm not too sure about that. Why don't you dip your little toe in the water and see? Yeah? Why don't you just say, hey, how do you spell faith? R-I-S-K. John Wumba. R-I-S-K. Faith is risk. Amen. Let's finish up. OK.

Other Episodes

Episode 0

January 28, 2020 00:27:31
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Connected - Ps Mark Bates

Originally recorded on Sunday 26 January 2020 at Melbourne East


Episode 0

April 26, 2020 00:30:07
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An Anchor In The Storm - Ps Simone Turner


Episode 2

February 07, 2021 00:34:09
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Consecration Series | Battle Ready - Ps Luke Connaughto‪n‬

Week Two of "Consecration" Series Originally recorded at Neuma Church Melbourne East, Australia on the 7th February 2021
